1. MednarodnI študentskI forum UL AG | 1st International Student Forum UL AG (29.-30. 11. 2023)

Akademija za glasbo UL

The 1st International Student Forum aims to deepen the cooperation between the Music Academy of the University of Ljubljana (UL AG) and the Private University of Music in Klagenfurt (GMPU). The institutions first started cooperating and networking following the initiative of the GMPU in November 2021 within the framework of the Music@AlpeAdria Initiative (Music@AlpeAdria).

The activities at the 1st International Student Forum at the Music Academy in Ljubljana are planned to share information, knowledge, and experiences in the field of inclusion in its broadest sense. Music, be it as art or as a form of cultural engagement, considers inclusion both in theory as well as in pedagogical performance and creative practices: including, for example, strategies for working with individuals with disabilities and examples of good practice, as well as the inclusion of different musical identities, genres and performance practices in music making and music exploration. Particular emphasis will also be placed on interdisciplinary approaches to inclusivity and the integration of music, art, and science

Requirements: only for registered Attendees of the International Student Forum

International Student Forum Organising Committee: Špela Saksida (Chair), Meta Turk, Samo Poredoš, Hana Poljanec, Miha Nahtigal, Stefan Krimbacher, Ana Marija Kavaš

More information: Student Forum Schedule

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