PREDAVANJA (12. in 13. 11.2019)

Palača Kazina, Viola dvorana
Mednarodni dnevi Oddelka za pihala, trobila in tolkala


Torek/Tuesday, 12. 11. 2019







Kako postati odličen učitelj instrumenta?/What makes a good instrument teacher?


Sreda/Wednesday, 13. 11. 2019





ANNA ENGLUND BOHM, profesionalna flav­tistka in profesorica, je zaključila študij flavte na Kraljevi akademiji v Stockholmu in na Glasbeni šoli Ingesund (Arvika). Poleg tega je diplomirala iz glasbene terapije in končala magisterij s pod­ročja pedagoškega dela. Je aktivna orkestrska glasbenica v švedskih orkestrih ter članica an­sambla Östgöta barock. Zadnjih osemnajst let poučuje najrazličnejše pedagoške programe na univerzah v Linköpingu in Karlstadu. Trenutno iz­obražuje bodoče profesorje flavte na Visoki šoli za glasbo v Ingesundu (Arvika) in je vodja Oddelka za klasično glasbo na ljudski šoli Lunnevad v Linköpingu, kjer študente pripravljajo na višješolsko glasbeno izo­braževanje. Tam poučuje flavto, komorno glasbo in dirigira komornemu orkestru.

Kot asistentka na Univerzi v Linköpingu je sodelovala v raziskovalni skupini, ki je preučevala vplive na estetične učne procese (pri glasbeni in telesni vzgoji) na učenje matematike. Nastala je študija z naslovom Vpliv telesna aktivnosti in glasbe na učenje matematike pri predšolskih otrocih. Teži k odkrivanju in razvi­janju novih metod poučevanja in preučuje različne poti in načine poučevanja in učenja igranja na flavto.

ANNA ENGLUND BOHM is a professional flutist and flute teacher with graduations from The Royal Academy in Stockholm and Musikhögskolan Inge­sund in Arvika. She also has a diploma in Music Therapy and a Master thesis in Pedagogical work. As a flutist she is active as a freelance orchestral musician in Sweden and a member of Östgöta barock where she plays the baroque flute. For the last 18 years she has been teaching at various Music teacher Education programmes (Linköping University and Karlstad University). For the moment she educates future flute teachers at Musikhögskolan Ingesund in Arvika and is the head of the Music department for classical music at Lunnevad folk high school in Linköping. Lunnevad folk high school is a music pre-college where you can prepare for higher music studies. At Lunnevad Anna teaches flute, masterclass, chamber music and conducts the chamber orchestra.

During her time as an assistant professor at Linköping University she was in­volved in a research group studying the effects of Aesthetical learning processes (in this case music and physical education) while learning Math. The study called Physical activity and music to support pre-school children’s mathematics learn­ing. She has a special interest in finding and developing new teaching methods and exploring various ways for teaching and learning flute playing.


Asist. dr. ANA KAVČIČ PUCIHAR predava Specialno didaktiko pihal na Akade­miji za glasbo v Ljubljani. Pod mentorstvom prof. dr. Branke Rotar Pance je leta 2019 z doktorsko disertacijo Učiteljeve strategije poučevanja pri individualnem inštrumentalnem pouk flavte v glasbenih šolah zaključila interdisciplinarni dok­torski študij humanistike in družboslovja na Oddelku glasbene pedagogike na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani.

Na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani je diplomirala (1999) in zaključila umetni­ško specializacijo (2001) v razredu zasl. prof. Fedje Rupla, kjer je pod njegovim mentorstvom in somentorstvom prof. dr. Branke Rotar Pance leta 2011 zaključila znanstveni ma­gisterij s temo Celostno poučevanje flavte za 7-letne učence.

Iz magistrske naloge izhajajoči učbenik Igramo se flavto, ki sta ga zasnovala z Blažem Pucihar­jem, je sprejet v slovenski učni načrt za flavto. Angleški prevod omenjenega učbenika, Fluting Stars, se je uvrstil med zmagovalce medna­rodnega tekmovanja Newly Published Music Competition 2016, v kategoriji učbenikov za flavto ameriške zveze flavtistov National Flute Association v San Diegu/ZDA.

Ana Kavčič Pucihar je bila leta 2015 prejemnica Fulbrightove štipendije. V pol­letnem bivanju v ZDA je kot Fulbright Visiting Scholar na Boise State University, University of Puget Sound in Pacific Lutheran University, raziskovala učinkovite strategije poučevanja v inštrumentalnem pouku flavte, predavala in koncertira­la. Leta 2015 je prejela prestižno Gerbičevo nagrado za izjemne dosežke na po­dročju glasbene vzgoje in izobraževanja ter glasbenega poustvarjanja.

O različnih tematikah s področja didaktike flavte predava in poučuje tako na številnih seminarjih po Sloveniji kot tudi v tujini. V soavtorstvu s prof. dr. Branko Rotar Pance sta napisali izvirni znanstveni članek Individualni pouk in načini pou­čevanja učiteljev flavte na posameznih učnih stopnjah v glasbeni šoli, ki je bil leta 2017 objavljen v Reviji za elementarno izobraževanje.

ANA KAVČIČ PUCIHAR is Assistant for Woodwind Pedagogy at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana. She earned a Bachelor of Music Degree in Flute Performance and Flute Pedagogy in 1999, Postgraduate Diploma in Flute Performance in 2001 and Master of Music Education - Flute Pedagogy in 2011. She received her PhD at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2019.

Over the course of more than 20 years of teaching experience and research of effective teaching strategies, she has designed a flute method for young flute beginners. She presents her method and research findings at numerous teach­ers’ seminars in Slovenia, Croatia, France, the Netherlands, Sweden, in the United Kingdom and in the USA.

She is the author of Igramo se flavto, first Slovenian flute method book, which is accepted into the Slovenian National Music Schools Flute Curriculum. With Blaž Pucihar they created English translation and adaptation of the Slovenian meth­od book - Fluting Stars, that became winners in the method books category of the Newly Published Music Competition 2016 of the National Flute Association in San Diego/USA.

In 2015 Ana Kavčič Pucihar was a Fulbright Scholar at the Boise State University/ USA, where she was researching effective teaching strategies in flute instruction, teaching, performing and presenting her flute method also at the University of Puget Sound and Pacific Lutheran University. Ana Kavčič Pucihar is recipient of the prestigious Slovenian Music Educators’ Gerbich award (2015) for outstanding flute teaching accomplishments. In 2018 she received the title of Assistant for the Woodwind Pedagogy at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana.

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