Poletna akademija podjetništva in managementa v kulturi

Poletna akademija podjetništva in managementa v kulturi (“Autumn Academy Cultural Entrepreneurship & Leadership”)

Namenjena je strokovnjakom s področja kulturne dediščine, turizma, umetnostne zgodovine in/ali mode v evropskih tranzicijskih državah. Akademija je nastala v sodelovanju med Erasmus univerzo v Rotterdamu in Ekonomsko fakulteto Univerze v Ljubljani. 


Akademija bo potekala v angleškem jeziku. Delavnice pa bodo vodili tako domači, kot tudi tuji strokovnjaki.

Erasmus University Rotterdam and Ljubljana School of Economics & Business cooperate in the first Autumn Academy Cultural Entrepreneurship & Leadership for advanced students (arts & culture, economics, business administration etc.) and professionals (artists, staff members of cultural organisations, independent workers) in European countries of transition, to be held online 12, 13, 19, 20 and 26, 27 November 2021. Lecturers and researchers from both universities with high-quality accreditations in the field will exchange knowledge and experience to empower a selection of 28 participants studying and working in the cultural sector in the former socialistic countries in Europe. The faculty consists of Andrej Srakar, Anna Mignosa, Arjo Klamer, Bregje Lampe, Darija Aleksić, Frans Brouwer, Judita Peterlin, Ljubica Knežević Cvelbar, Meta Štular, Miha Škerlavaj, Nataša Peršuh and Trilce Navarrete Hernandez.

The Autumn Academy offers an online mixture of lectures and workshops on cultural entrepreneurship and leadership. The main domains to be covered are cultural heritage, cultural tourism, performing arts, museums, fashion and European subsidies. Participants will be asked to develop their own project, based on challenges from their country.

Information and application >>>

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