Special note to prospective students
Information day (Humanities and Social Sciences) for the study fields that are coordinated by the Academy of Music: 19th June 2024 at 8.00 in room M.12 at Academy of Music (Kongresni trg 1, Ljubljana).
Application for Enrolment
The candidates must submit their application for enrolment into the doctoral study programmes online via the eVŠ online portal. Detailed instructions for filling out the form are also available on the above website.
Technical assistance for questions regarding filling out the electronic application:
eVŠ support at the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport
E-mail: ekc@gov.si
Phone: 00386 1 478 85 90 (during the application periods, during working days between 8:00 and 22:00).
Application Deadlines
The candidate submits theis application for enrolment with electronic form at eVŠ online portal in 2 aplication deadlines:
1st enrolment period: 7th of June 2024 (Slovene, EU and Non-EU citizens)
2st enrolment period (in case of available enrolment places): 19th of June - 19 of August 2024 (Slovene and EU citizens)
Complete enrolment application
Applications must include the following:
- Signed copy of the application form
- Short CV with bibliography
- Copy of all acquired degree certificates
- Copy of Diploma Supplement or official Transcript of Records
- Outline of Ph.D. thesis (of max 1000 words) with main bibliography
- Consent of study supervisor
Applications for candidates with foreign qualifications must also include the following:
1. Original or the duplicate of the final certificate(s), representing general requirement for access to higher education in the country of issue, legalised on the basis of:
- The 1961 Hague Convention (at the court with territorial jurisdiction where the certificate or diploma has been issued); with properly filled in apostille form affixed or
- The Authentication of Documents in International Traffic Act.
Countries for which no legalization is required:
- Austria,
- Bulgaria,
- Cyprus (for documents issued by public higher education institutions and universities)
- Czech republic
- France
- Greece
- Croatia
- Hungary
- Republic of Macedonia
- Romania
2. Photocopy of the original certificate(s) referred to in No 1
3. Certified Slovene or English translation of the certificate(s) referred to in No 1 (not necessary for certificate(s) in Croatian, Bosnian, Montenegrin, Serbian - if issued in Latin alphabet)
4. Annual report cards, transcripts, a diploma supplement or some other evidence on the contents and duration of education
5. Certified Slovene or English translation of the certificate(s) referred to in No 4 1 (not necessary for certificate(s) in Croatian, Bosnian, Montenegrin, Serbian - if issued in Latin alphabet)
6. Short chronological description of the entire education (statement by the applicant)
The procedure for recognition of foreign higher education credentials or diplomas for admission to the doctoral study programmes starts with the application for study in Slovenia. The procedure is conducted by the authorised person at Academy of Music.
Guidance through the application and the required evidence is available on the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport web-sites.
Further information: miss Manja Belina; Office for business and study informatics
E-mail: manja.belina@ag.uni-lj.si
Enrolment Deadlines:
Enrolment will be completed no later than 29th of September 2024.
Tuition fees:
Tuition fee for academic year 2024/25:
Humanaties and Social Sciences 4-year study: 3.400,00 € (1st year), 2.600,00 € (2nd year), 2.200,00 € (3rd year), 2.400,00 € (4th year)
Arts 4-year study: 4.200,00 € (1st year), 4.200,00 € (2nd year), 3.000,00 € (3rd year), 3.000,00 € (4th year)