Štipendijski program Nemške zvezne fundacije za okolje

Štipendijskega programa Nemške zvezne fundacije za okolje, ki univerzitetnim diplomantom omogoča pridobitev dodatne strokovne usposobljenosti za reševanje nalog varstva okolja in ohranjanja narave v njihovih matičnih državah.

Prijavijo se lahko magistranti s katerekoli fakultete. Prijave potekajo vsako leto, in sicer 5. septembra in 5. marca

Štipendijski program traja od šest do dvanajst mesecev in vključuje večtedenski intenzivni tečaj nemščine. Inštitucije, ki gostijo udeležence, so univerze, raziskovalni inštituti, podjetja in društva v Nemčiji. Najboljši štipendisti se lahko potem prijavijo tudi na 6 mesečni financirani projekt izveden v Sloveniji.


Informacija je objavljena tudi na univerzitetni spletni strani. Podrobnejše informacije so na voljo v dokumentih v priponki, na spletni strani https://www.dbu.de/stipendien_international in https://www.dbu.de/2603.html


German Federal Environmental Foundation


The German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, DBU), in accordance with its foundation goals and mission statement, supports innovative, exemplary and solution-oriented proposals for the protection of the environment. Funded projects should achieve sustainable effects in practice, give impulses and lead to a »multiplier effect«. It is the objective of the DBU to contribute to the solution of current environmental problems, in particular, which result from unsustainable business practices and lifestyles. The DBU sees the crucial challenges primarily in the areas of climate change, biodiversity loss, unsustainable use of natural resources, and harmful emissions. The funding topics are linked both to current scientific findings on the Planetary Boundaries and to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.


CEE Fellowship Programme (Details: https://www.dbu.de/2600.html ):

The DBU awards up to 60 fellowships per year for advanced scientific and/or professional qualification in all fields of environmental protection and nature conservation. Highly qualified graduates of all disciplines from the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) are welcome to apply. The DBU fellowship covers a 6–12 months stay at German host institutions: universities, research institutes, companies, environmental and nature protection agencies and authorities, NGOs, associations, etc. During the fellowship practical solutions for current environmental issues are developed. After their stay in Germany the alumni are well qualified to tackle these issues in their home countries thus assuring efficient knowledge transfer. Working closely together in an international context helps to breakdown existing barriers. The acquired contacts will create a strong Europe-wide network of highly committed environmental experts.


Our aims


    advanced qualification of graduates of all disciplines for environmental relevant topics

    knowledge transfer to science, administration and practice

    international networking between environmental experts of all disciplines



What we expect


    above-average university degree obtained within the last three years

    all disciplines are eligible

    citizenship and residence in one of the participating CEE-countries

    proposal of an environmental relevant and applied topic; please check our FAQs for the outline (https://www.dbu.de/2603.html )

    sufficient knowledge of the German language; needs to be proven at the beginning of the stay at the host institution

    doctoral candidates can apply if the doctoral project is not completed until after the end of the scholarship



Our application procedure


    online application procedure available in German and English

    application deadline annually on 05.09. and 05.03.

    registration/login on the respective country site



Our services




    up to 60 CEE-fellows are funded per year; you can check our database for examples

    funding period: 6-12 months

    monthly grant: 1.250 €

    health, accident and liability insurance

    several weeks of intensive German course in Osnabrück before the beginning of the stay at the host institution




    support with finding an appropriate host institution in Germany: hosts can be e.g. universities, research institutes, companies, authorities, NGOs

    seminars for exchange between fellows

    invitation to important events of the DBU, such as the German Environmental Award

    networking between fellows and alumni via the online platform Stipnet

    yearly meetings of Alumni in their home countries

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