Začeli smo s prijavami za 2. semester tečajev kitajskega jezika. Tečaj obsega 60 ur. Cena za študente je 80 € (skupaj z DDV), za druge 180 € (skupaj z DDV).
Na spletni strani lahko najdete vse podrobnosti, vključno z učnim načrtom.
Tečaj bo potekal od 6. marca 2017 do 23. junija 2017.
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Chinese language courses on Confucius Insitute
Courses of Chinese language and culture
We have opened applications for the summer semester. Courses contain 60 hours in one semester. The price is 180 eur (including VAT) , for students 80 eur (including VAT).
You can find more information, as well as our study program on our website.
The courses will take place from March 6th until 23rd Juna 2017.
More information:
Apply here: