Štipendije za slovenske študente klasične glasbe iz skladov Kerže na Akademiji za glasbo Thornton na Univerzi Južna Kalifornija v Los Angelesu – PRELIMINARNA INFORMACIJA

Štipendije za slovenske študente klasične glasbe iz skladov Kerže na Akademiji za glasbo Thornton na Univerzi Južna Kalifornija v Los Angelesu – PRELIMINARNA INFORMACIJA

Akademija za glasbo Thornton (Thornton School of Music) na Univerzi Južna Kalifornija (University of Southern California - USC) v Los Angelesu nudi možnost štipendij za slovenske študente glasbe. Sredstva za štipendije so na voljo iz dveh skladov in sicer:

1) Therese Kerze Cheyovich Endowment Fund ter

2) The Frank Kerze and Florence Kerze - Dunphy Scholarship Fund for the Study of Music.

Oba sklada sta bila ustanovljena na željo družine Kerže, ki se je v ZDA preselila iz Slovenije. Pokojni člani družine so sredstva iz svoje zapuščine namenili slovenskim študentom, da bi jim tako omogočili glasbeno izobraževanje na Univerzi Južna Kalifornija ter jim dali možnost kulturne izkušnje in udejstvovanja v ZDA.

Sklad Frank Kerze and Florence Kerze - Dunphy Scholarship Fund for the Study of Music je namenjen slovenskim podiplomskim študentom glasbenih predmetov (magistrskim študentom, doktorskim študentom in študentom specialističnega študija – t.i. certificate).

Sklad Therese Kerze Cheyovich Endowment Fund je namenjen v prvi vrsti dodiplomskim in podiplomskim slovenskim študentom klasične glasbe (stopenj BA, MA, ter doktorskim študentom in študentom specializacije – t.i. certificate) in sicer primarno študentom čela, kot glavnega inštrumenta.

Kandidati, ki želijo pričeti s študijem na Akademiji za glasbo Thornton v študijskem letu 2024/25, morajo prijavo oddati do 1. 12. 2023. Prijave se bodo odprle avgusta 2023.

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Scholarships from Kerže trusts for Slovenian students at the University of Southern California Thornton School of Music – PRELIMINARY INFORMATION

The Thornton School of Music at the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles shall grant scholarships to students from music academies in Slovenia. These scholarships are made possible by:

1) Therese Kerze Cheyovich Endowment Fund

2) Frank Kerze and Florence Kerze - Dunphy Scholarship Fund for the Study of Music.

The two trusts were established by the Kerže family with an aim to provide an opportunity for Slovenian students to receive the education and training at the USC Thornton School of Music, to familiarize them with U.S. culture and to provide opportunities to gain U.S. exposure of their musical talents. Extremely proud of their Slovenian origin, the Kerže Family wanted in this way to honor their Slovenian ancestry.

The scholarships from Frank Kerze and Florence Kerze - Dunphy Scholarship Fund for the Study of Music will be awarded to one or more qualified students of music to support their graduate-level studies leading to a certificate, Master’s and/or doctoral degree in the field of music at the USC Thornton School of Music. The scholarships from Therese Kerze Cheyovich Endowment Fund will be awarded to one or more qualified students of music to support their undergraduate or graduate studies leading to a certificate and / or a Bachelor’s, Master’s and/or doctoral degree at the USC Thornton School of Music. The donor for this particular scholarship preferred that recipients play the cello as their primary musical instrument.

Once awarded a scholarship from the fund, a returning candidate can continue to receive the scholarship each year until s/he completes his/her academic program. Scholarship funds may be awarded for tuition, fees, and living/other expenses.

In order to receive scholarships, candidates must apply for and be accepted into the applicable degree and/ or certificate program pursuant to the policies of the USC Thornton School of Music.

The application deadline to be considered for admission to the fall semester of 2024 is December 1, 2023. Applications will open in August 2023.

Kandidati prijavo oddajo neposredno na Univerzo. Informacije in obrazci za prijavo ter zahtevana dokumentacija po posameznih oddelkih oz. študijskih smereh bo na voljo na spletni strani USC: https://music.usc.edu/admission/appreqs/


Pogoji se sicer razlikujejo glede na smer študija oz. na inštrument, v glavnem pa navadno velja:

- prijava mora vsebovati življenjepis, program (repertoar) in motivacijsko pismo;

- kandidati, ki se prijavljajo na USC takoj po srednji šoli, morajo imeti opravljene SAT teste;

- kandidati, ki se prijavljajo na magistrski študij, morajo k prijavi priložiti priporočilna pisma;

- prijavi je potrebno priložiti tudi posnetek;

- strošek prijave je 85 USD ter dodatnih 20 USD za posnetek.


Kandidati, ki niso ameriški državljani, k prijavi predložijo še:

- izjavo o finančnem stanju, pri čemer svetujemo sklic na možnost štipendiranja iz skladov Kerže;

- opravljen TOEFL/IELTS test;

- overjen prevod vseh dokumentov in prilog , ki niso v angleškem jeziku;

- overjeno kopijo potnega lista.


Ker gre za orientacijsko informacijo, svetujemo, da natančne informacije o vseh razpisnih pogojih preverite neposredno na spletni strani Akademije za glasbo Thornton: https://music.usc.edu/admission/

V skladu z ustaljeno prakso bo izmed popolnih prijav strokovna komisija Akademije za glasbo Thornton izbrala najboljše kandidate. Ti bodo predvidoma v mesecu januarju oz. februarju 2024 povabljeni na avdicijo v Los Angeles. Kandidati so o uspešno opravljeni avdiciji predvidoma obveščeni v mesecu aprilu. Najboljšim slovenskim študentom, ki bodo uspešno opravili avdicijo, bo univerza ponudila štipendijo iz skladov Kerže. Štipendija se bo ob izpolnjevanju pogojev lahko obnavljala vsako leto do zaključka študija.

Za vsa dodatna vprašanja lahko kontaktirate Akademijo za glasbo Thornton neposredno. Kontaktna oseba je Dr. Phillip Placenti (Assistant Dean for Admission and Student Affairs at the USC Thornton School of Music) na naslovu: placenti@thornton.usc.edu

Slovensko veleposlaništvo v ZDA prosi, da jih na e-poštni naslov sloembassy.washington@gov.si obvestite o oddani prijavi.


Please note that the application and audition requirements differ from program to program. For specific department application and audition requirements, please select the appropriate program. You can find all requirements by program at: https://music.usc.edu/admission/appreqs/


In general, the requirements include:

- online application for admission

- prescreen recording

- resume which should list musical, professional and academic experience

- repertoire list – to be submitted with online application

- supporting documents (e.g. academic transcripts, SAT scores for undergraduate students etc.)

- statement of purpose – motivation letter, letters of recommendation


The application fee is $85, additional $20 fee applies for the prescreen recording.


The following additional application materials are required from all international applicants:

- Confidential Statement of Financial Support (please refer to the possible funding from the Kerže trusts)

- English Language Test Requirement- TOEFL/IELTS

- Transcripts and Certified English Translations from all schools attended

- Copy of any completed diplomas

- Copy of Passport


Again, double check the requirements and department applications at: https://music.usc.edu/admission/


The first selection done by the selection committee will be based on the prescreen recording submitted by the applicant by the December 1 deadline. Following this initial review, an invitation will be extended to a select group of applicants to perform a live audition on the USC campus in Los Angeles, Live auditions typically take place in late January and early February. The successful applicants will be offered one of the scholarships in the spring.


For all additional questions please contact Dr. Phillip Placenti, Assistant Dean for Admission and Student Affairs at the USC Thornton School of Music at: placenti@thornton.usc.edu.


Also, please inform the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington about the submitted application. Their e-mail address is: sloembassy.washington@gov.si

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