Interaktivne online delavnice za mlade glasbenike - NE ZAMUDITE!!!!

Ne zamudite odličnih nasvetov profesionalnih glasbenikov. Tudi za mentalno pripravo!


Torek, 12 .4. 2022

- ob 17. uri - Preparing orchestral auditions – String instruments | Audition and Competition Preparation / Prof. Podlesek, prof. Rome, prof. Faganel in prof. Marković

- ob 18. uri - Preparing orchestral auditions – Woodwind instruments and percussion | Audition and Competition Preparation / prof. Šantl Zupan, prof. Kotar, prof. Klavžar


Sreda, 13. 4. 2022

- 16. uri - From Performance Anxiety to Flow in Musical Performance Audition and Competition Preparation/prof. Katarina Habe

- 17. uri - Preparing orchestral auditions – Brass instruments | Audition and Competition Preparation / prof. Gradinšnik, prof. Lipovšek, prof. Kranjc




The first session, 12th – 15th April 2022, focuses on the preparation of not only Mediterranean Youth Orchestra symphonic and Medinea auditions, but also orchestral auditions in general.

Three webinars concentrate on string instruments, woodwind instruments and brass (and percussion) instruments, respectively. Mental preparation is addressed as well.


*All times are given in UTC. To know the broadcast time of your place of residence click HERE

14:00*What is Medinea on Air ? What can it offer me? An introduction | Audition and Competition Preparation

15:00*Preparing orchestral auditions – String instruments | Audition and Competition Preparation

16:00*Preparing orchestral auditions – Woodwind instruments and percussion | Audition and Competition Preparation

From Performance Anxiety to Flow in Musical Performance | Audition and Competition Preparation

15:00*Preparing orchestral auditions – Brass instruments | Audition and Competition Preparation

14:00*Making a proper video application for Classical and Medinea auditions | Digital Technology

15:00*Connecting with your audiences | Career Development and Human, Social and Entrepreneurial Skills and Aesthetics

14:00*: The Taksim tradition within Makam music | Identities and Artistic Encounters

15:00*Traditional and trans-traditional music of the Turkish Mediterranean coast | Identities and Artistic Encounters



MEDINEA ON AIR is a European Union Erasmus+ funded programme that unites six partners from the Mediterranean region: the Festival d’Aix-en-Provence (France), the Ente Musicale di Nuoro (Italy), ARC Research and Consultancy (Malta), the Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa (Portugal), the University of Ljubljana – Academy of Music (Slovenia), and the Istanbul Technical University (Turkey).
Medinea On Air aims to provide specific preparation for classical musicians and improvisers who wish to audition for the Mediterranean Youth Orchestra’s symphonic and Medinea Sessions; and more broadly, to enrich young musicians’ musical training. Therefore, in addition to Audition and Competition Preparation, the programme provides three other modules: Digital TechnologyCareer Development and Human, Social and Entrepreneurial Skills and AestheticsCultures, Identities and Artistic Encounters.


To register for one of the webinars of the session, you can fill in this form.

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