- Ime: Miha
- Priimek: ROGINA
- Izv. naziv: red. prof.
- E-mail: miha.rogina@ag.uni-lj.si
- Spletna stran: www.miharogina.com
Govorilne ure:
Četrtek, 9h-10h, M.07.Življenjepis:
Predstavljen kot ‘Najboljši saksofonist današnje mlajše generacije’ v reviji The Sax, Miha Rogina slovi po inovativnih interpretacijah glasbenih del. Je dobitnik 1. nagrade na 10 mednarodnih tekmovanjih. Sodeloval je z mnogimi vodilnimi glasbeniki kot Pierre Boulez in Fabio Luisi ter nastopil na velikih mednarodnih koncertnih odrih širom Evrope, Azije, Amerike in Afrike kot dunajska Musikverein, pariška Salle Pleyel, Großes Festspielhaus v Salzburgu in japonska Izumi Hall.
Študij saksofona je začel v Ljubljani pri prof. Matjažu Drevenšku, nadaljeval pa v Franciji pri prof. Jean-Yves Fourmeauju, prof. Vincent Davidu in na prestižnem CNSM de Paris pri prof. Claude Delangleu, kjer je diplomiral z najvišjimi odlikami. Izpopolnjeval se je na sloviti Eastman School of Music v ZDA. Leta 2015 je z odliko zaključil študij orkestrskega dirigiranja na Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst na Dunaju, kjer je študiral pri Johannesu Wildnerju, Bertrandu Debillyju in U. Lajovicu, leta 2019 pa še študij zborovskega dirigiranja pri prof. Thomasu Langu na isti inštituciji.
Kot solist je nastopil s številnimi orkestri kot so Dunajski simfoniki, Tajska filharmonija, Hofferska filharmonija, simfonični orkestri Bruges, Saint Maur in Paris Laureates, kot tudi Slovenska filharmonija in simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija. Kot aktivni komorni glasbenik redno sodeluje s koncertno pianistko Sae Lee, s katero nastopata po svetu kot Duo Kalypso.
Miha Rogina je profesor za saksofon na Akademiji za glasbo Univerze v Ljubljani. Od leta 2013 je gostujoči profesor na univerzi Senzoku Gakuen v Tokiu, od leta 2017 pa kot gostujoči profesor predava tudi na Osaka College of Music (Japonska) in Sibelius Akademiji v Helsinkih.
Mojstrske tečaje vodi na univerzah po Japonski, Veliki Britaniji, Latviji, Poljski, Finski, Nemčiji in Avstriji ter deluje kot član žirij domačih in mednarodnih tekmovanj.
Kot dirigent je vodil več orkestrov, med njimi so orkester in zbor Slovenske filharmonije, Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija, Simfonični orkester SNG Ljubljana, orkester Slovaške filharmonije, Komorni ansambel pariškega konservatorija in Pihalni orkester Akademije za glasbo.
Je član dunajskega zbora Wiener Singverein, s katerim je sodeloval pod vodstvom velikih dirigentov, kot so Riccardo Muti, Mariss Jansons, Daniel Barenboim idr.
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Described as ‘The best saxophonist of today’s younger generation’ by The Sax magazine, Miha Rogina is accredited for his innovative interpretations of musical works. He has won 1st prize at no fewer than 10 international competitions. He has worked with today’s leading musicians including Pierre Boulez and Fabio Luisi and has appeared at major international concert stages throughout Europe, Asia, USA and Africa such as the Musikverein in Vienna, Salle Pleyel in Paris, Großes Festspielhaus in Salzburg or Izumi Hall in Japan.
He initially studied at Ljubljana Music University with Matjaž Drevenšek, and continued his studies at the prestigious CNSM de Paris with Claude Delangle, where he graduated with highest honours. He also studied at the renowned Eastman School of Music in the USA. In 2015 he graduated orchestral conducting from the Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Vienna where he studied under Johannes WIldner and Bertrand Debilly, and in 2019 choral conducting under prof. Thomas Lang at the same institution.
As soloist he performed with a number of orchestras worldwide including the Vienna Symphony Orchestra as well as Hoffer, Bruges, Slovenia, Maribor, Paris Laureates and Thailand Philharmonic orchestra. An active chamber musician, he performs frequently with concert pianist Sae Lee with whom they perform worldwide as the Duo Kalypso.
Miha Rogina is professor at Ljubljana University, faculty of music. Since 2013 he has been a guest lecturer at Senzoku gakuen University in Tokyo, as well as visiting professor at Osaka College of Music (Japan) and Sibelius Academy in Helsinki.
Mr Rogina leads masterclasses at universities across Japan, UK, Latvia, Poland, Germany and Austria, and works as a member of jury at national and international saxophone competitions.
As a conductor he lead orchestras such as Slovenian philharmonic orchestra, Symphonic orchestra of slovene radio and television, Bratislava philharmonic orchestra, Symphonic orchestra of slovene national theater, Chamber orchestra of Paris conservatoire and Symphonic wind orchestra of Ljubljana music university.
He is a member of Vienna based choir Wiener Singverein, with whom he collaborated under leadership of great conductors such as Riccardo Muti, Mariss Jansons, Daniel Barenboim etc.